The Sentir x Ser book is for families and educational centers that want to build a more diverse society, based on love and respect.

The Sentir x Ser book is the result of two years of work in which we held different workshops in schools, with families, teachers and students between 10 and 13 years old, with the aim of building a more diverse society, on the basis of love and respect as fundamental values. Although the authors of the same are not specialists in the subject, we have had lived experience and our activism and discourse has always been focused on reducing the stigma of being dissidents. In addition, this project has had the collaboration of different associations and groups experts in the subject such as: Sexus, Ara on, Kaleidos, among others.

The book is composed of 2 parts: a children’s story to talk about sexual diversity, gender and harassment with girls and a teaching guide to accompany families together with teachers in understanding our differences and diversities and how these diversities make us unique and unrepeatable.

The “Sentir x Ser” project has been possible thanks to all the contributions made through Verkami.


The tale of feeling to be tells the story of “Yang”, a girl who forces us to question the stereotypes linked to gender and the impact it generates on our way of being and relating. The story tells a story that explains the day-to-day life of a dissident person, his family, interpersonal and school relationships who will be an infallible ally to deal with issues of diversity, respect and love with the aim of accompanying the growth and development of our daughters in the best possible way…


The guide is a basic and at the same time in-depth manual aimed at families, teaching staff, students and teenagers. What we want to convey through this magnificent guide is the richness of diversity and the acceptance of all people in society being each different and unique to each other. In the guide you will find an endless amount of learning with resources that will give you tools to understand and make known different ways of being and feeling.


Eren, Berta, Translocura, Ninoska Juan and Malícia have been the people in charge of developing both the content of the book and the guide as well as the cultural and community management of the project.


The project carries out awareness sessions for students, families and teachers in different primary schools and institutes in the city of Barcelona.

The project addresses discrimination and violence against LGBTIQ+ people to reduce it in the children’s family and educational environment. Both the co-creation and execution process and the activities derived from educational centers are promoted to improve coexistence and reduce situations of stigmatization and violence towards LGTBIQ+ pre-adolescents. In the same way, the project has an inclusive and restorative look to improve coexistence and resolve conflicts around the minor. The project is organized around the educational community under the principle that they are the greatest connoisseurs and beneficiaries of your community. For this reason, we generate participation tools and nodes between the different levels of the educational community that facilitate the participation of the entire population without distinction of gender, religion, class or origin.

In recent years, truly worrying studies have been presented around school bullying and the risk of suicide in LGTBIQ+ adolescents and youth; point out that between 30% and 40% of students have been involved once or occasionally in situations of abuse, either as an aggressor or as a victim. Responding to this need to fight to guarantee the rights of the LGTBI groups, this “Sentirxser” project is launched in 2021 to fight against situations of discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity of young people.