Youth Power Europe

Youthpower is a project funded by the Erasmus program of the European Union and the Swedish government. In this project, a network of entities linked to job placement and to training and empowering young people unites to carry out exchanges between young people at risk of social exclusion to train them in learning to paint and mural painting.

The project’s lead organization is sätt färg på from Gothenburg, an entity with a track record of more than 10 years of industry experience.

Even so we unite in higher education centers and universities, youth entities, etc. In this first edition, 6 young people from Gothenburg traveled to Barcelona and 20 young people from Barcelona went to Sweden. The project was developed mainly from May to September 2019.

Objectives and considerations

– Establish at least two groups of young people interested in mural art and who want to participate voluntarily in the project in Barcelona and in Gothenburg.

– Provide participants with the training and support necessary to make proposals and empower them to improve their skills.

– The activity has to be free for the participants as well as the trip and the room in Sweden.

– We will complement the knowledge taught by educators with community murals led by professional artists from Spain who will also travel to Gothenburg with the participants.


En mayo de 2019 llegó el equipo de sätt färg på de Gotemburgo y los jóvenes suecos participantes del proyecto. Estos jóvenes conocerán y trabajarán junto con los grupos de jóvenes conformados aquí. El intercambio prevé la realización de un mural conjunto en los dos centros colaboradores: La universidad de Bellas artes de Barcelona y la Escuela Superior de arte y diseño Serra y Abeja de L’Hospitalet de Llobregat.

Las artistas escogidas para realizar el acompañamiento en Barcelona fueron Nuria Toll y Perriné Honoré. En los dos casos la metodología que se empleó fue: reflexión, diseño y pintado del mural con todos los participantes.

During the two weeks that the participants from Gothenburg were in Barcelona, ​​two participatory interventions were carried out with a team of students from each center. These students are the same ones who would later travel to Gothenburg together with professional mural artists to carry out the interventions. In this way the link between the participants of the two cities is strong and endows itself.

The two proposals were designed using symbols of Barcelona and Gothenburg and the mural carried out under the leadership of Nuria Toll left us a message for the center’s art students in a humorous key: Follow your f * cking dreams.



In all the projects of the Urban Contour Foundation, the training and accompaniment of the target groups prevails to strengthen their knowledge and confidence. In projects like Youthpower we can also establish alliances and ties with other countries and ways of thinking and working. Being able to break these barriers and share knowledge and experiences made the project a success.

The second part of the project took place in Gothenburg where the young participants who had already worked folding in Barcelona met again. Due to the high number of participants from Barcelona, ​​two groups were held, the first in July and the second in September. At the first exchange it was a small group of 6 participants and at the second there were 14 in total.

The stays lasted two weeks and we carried out a total of 5 mural interventions accompanied by urban artists: Edjinn, Elara Elvira, Sandra Betancourt and Sabotage to the Assembly.



For many of the participants, it was the first time they traveled abroad and did training and volunteering. The fact that they could get to know another city for two weeks and establish links with young people in a situation similar to theirs established a strong relationship between them that still exists. The support and supervision at all times by the foundation teams and sätt färg på göteborg made the project a success with young people wishing to repeat the experience in 2020.