Obra: Green Screen Art

It is an artwork that aims to unite the analog world of physical intervention with the digital environment. Referring to how content is currently consumed, where everything passes through a screen or monitor, viewers are invited to see the full result of the intervention on social networks.

Through a graphic style closer to the world of design and a green background used as a chroma, image, video and digital edition are mixed with physical intervention. In this way, it is intended to dilute the border between the tangible and the digital.


Ibran, aka Degon, was born in Vic, nearby Barcelona, in 1985. He is an audiovisual designer, cofounder of Device Studio (@devicers) and half of the post-rap music band JUDDER (@judder.mp3). He paints on the public space since 1999 under the pseudonym Degon, which hasn’t any meaning by itself, it’s just the combination of letter he liked when he was 14. His real name means “blade”. Half of his friends call him Ibran, the other half calls him Degon.

Aware of the growing importance of the internet and social networks, he takes advantage of the digital environment where his artwork is shown in order to experiment with techniques like the chroma or little animations. In this way, he can complete his interventions beyond the physical space.

Istagram: @degon_