Plaça dels Cirerers
La plaça dels Cirerers està situada al barri de Sanfeliu de L’Hospitalet de Llobregat. Degut a la situació geogràfica del barri, sempre ha estat reivindicat pels veïns com una zona oblidada per part de l’administració pública. Amb un esperit de lluita i d’organització ha sigut un territori reivindicatiu i actiu.
Actualment una xarxa d’entitats i centres educatius composta entre d’altres per: AAVV Sanfeliu, Casal de Gent gran, Escola Pablo Neruda, Club Infantil Sanfeliu– Sant Ildefons, Escola Ausias March, Els dos Llops, Ins Apel·les Mestres, CFA Sanfeliu, Domusvi Can Serra, Escola Bressol La Casa de la Muntanya i L’Hospital de dia Miralta participa en diferents projectes i es troba periòdicament per treballar en xarxa.
Aquestes entitats i centres van ser els participants d’aquest projecte en diferents graus i van treballar amb els dos artistes escollits: Joan Aguiló i Sussie Hammer.
Objectives and considerations
– Dignify Plaça dels cirerers, the capital area of the neighborhood and where most of the activities and socialization of residents take place.
– This space was first built and recently renovated thanks to the struggle of the residents and entities and has great significance for the neighborhood.
– Each of the two murals will work on a different theme: Plaça dels cirerers and Peace
– Coinciding with the Susie Hammer peace mural, further activities were held in the plaza with the educational centers and a tree was planted to commemorate peace.
Joan Aguiló
Joan Aguiló is a mural artist who made one of the two community murals in the square. His intervention revolved around what the square represents by the neighbors and what were its significant elements. The square is named after the cherry trees that had been planted before its construction and with the remodeling of the space, none remained. It was decided that a good tribute would be to paint the cherry trees that are no longer there but still give the space its name.
Susie Hammer is a Polish artist who currently resides in Barcelona.Her colorful style was ideal for designing a community mural with the young people in the neighborhood. At the same date as the world day for peace going to inaugurate this work carried out together with more than 200 participants, especially the youngest of the schools.
We also plant a Fukushima tree in tribute to the victims of armed conflicts.